Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Eclectic Rant: Why a nameplate does not make a brand

One of the Reuters' brand mottos is that "People make the difference." That I feel is so true. At the end of the day - its the people in the company, the people who go the extra mile; the people who show a little kindness; the people who remember to put themselves in the other person's (client/colleague) shoes who make the difference.

The fact of the matter is that for a brand to give that feeling to you, there needs to be a synchronized commitment by the people(who form the organization) towards the customer - Right from the door man standing at the gate of the showroom, to the store manager, to the regional sales head, to whatever designation the big boss of the company holds. Because the spirit of the brand starts in the heart of the people working there, and then reaches the customer only through them. What name plate you hang in front of your store matters much less. An Audi board with heartless behaviour is worth nothing whereas some random "Batliwalla & Sons" with high customer orientation is a multicrore business proposition.

Eclectic Rant: Why a nameplate does not make a brand

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